This is an overview of the working hours recorded daily for all employees. The times recorded are checked against the times stored in the working time model for each employee.


Marlene Voigt captured her time outside of the period of tolerance for the start and end of work
She started one hour too late and finished 2.25 hours too late.

Margret Müller should start work at 6 a.m., but did not clock in after 6:00 a.m.

Before 6:00 a.m. (or 6:00 a.m. + the period of tolerance in the working time model) Mrs. Müller was not yet marked in red, because she would not have been late in that case.

Rows with a red background signify that an employee has not yet registered, but if an employee has reported in sick for the day, there is no check and the field remains white. It can then be assumed that employees are absent without reason for the rows marked in red.

If the time for starting work is marked in red, the employee has not clocked in within the period of tolerance of the start of work (employee started too late).

If the time for finishing work is marked in red, the employee has not clocked out within the period of tolerance for ending work.

If the working hours are marked in red, the employee has not adhered to his working hours within the period of tolerance (worked too little or too much).

Only the working hours are checked for flexitime models.

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