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Wir arbeiten ständig daran, Danielle Software zu verbessern. 
In dieser Version wurden Erweiterungen und Verbesserungen in den Modulen „Aufträge“ und „Abwesenheiten“ bzw. „Krankmeldungen“, vorgenommen. Zudem wurde der Chatbot um eine neue Funktion erweitert. 
Dieses Update umfasst außerdem Performance-Verbesserungen, Weiterentwicklungen und Fehlerkorrekturen.

Im Folgenden haben wir die wichtigsten Änderungen für Sie zusammengefasst:


We are constantly working to improve Danielle Software. 
In this release, extensions and enhancements have been made to the “Tasks” module and the sick reports feature within the “Absence” module. In addition, the chatbot has been enhanced with a new feature. 
This update also includes performance improvements, general enhancements, and bug fixes.

Here are some of the most important changes:

  • Sick reports for employees in Germany
    In Germany, in case of sickness, it is no longer necessary to provide the employer with a certificate of incapacity for work for employees that have statutory health insurance. The corresponding check has been extended in the application.

    By default, German employees are marked as covered by statutory health insurance in the application, unless there is an entry under “Employee” → [employee file] → “Contracts” → “Private Krankenversicherung” (Private health insurance). 
    Also, employees in Germany with a private health insurance are checked.

  • Absence – Time recording
    If an employee is absent, time recording can only be be started after their absence flag is removed by an HR employee or manager. This is to ensure the flow of information towards the HR department/manager.

  • Task Filter
    Various filter options have been implemented.

  • Chatbot enhancement
    Chatbot Builder is an add-on module for Danielle Software which allows for an easy customisation of existing chatbot answers and even for the creation of bespoke inquiry-response pairs according to a company’s needs and preferences. 
    While the Danielle Talk chatbot already includes a comprehensive set of dialogue options out of the box, the requirements regarding chatbots are as unique as the companies that use them. Thus, dialogue options may be required that are tailored to a company’s individual needs. Whether you have a trade and repair business and want to make contact details of important suppliers available to your employees, you are a software development company and want to provide instructions regarding your development processes to your programmers, or run a nursing service and want to make patients’ medical provision instructions accessible to your nurses anytime and anywhere – the chatbot builder is your solution.