To create a new project, click on.

Project details

Then, enter a project ID, a project name and a description. If necessary, you can also select a customer, provided you have already created one under Customer

Select the project manager and set the project duration (start and end date) so that the progress can be monitored over time.

Budget details

Set the project units by selecting “Days” or “Hours”. Then you can set an internal as well as a customer budget.

You can have a warning about budget consumption generated and sent to you via e-mail as soon as the internal or customer budget is exceeded due to time bookings by the project team members.

Also, you can specify whether the budget can be overbooked in the first place. This primarily applies to ongoing projects.

E-mail notification

Here, you can specify which employees should be notified of the set budget details by e-mail.

If the customer budget or internal budget is exceeded, several percentage values of the budget consumption can be entered.

Restrict recordings to

In case only a limited group of stakeholders should be able to book project budgets, booking can be restricted to a department, a company or a certain group of employees here. Only the employees specified can select this project for time recording in order to book times for it.

After saving, the project is created and is now available for booking in the Time recording application.


The project is created after saving and is now available for tracking purposes in the time recording.

The following fields are mandatory for creating projects.

  • Project ID
  • Project name
  • Description